I'm a graphic artist specializing in Life Branding- customized designs inspired by you and your life! My work
ranges from custom printed goods to logo packages to website design.
Contact me at deannamooredesign@gmail.com so we can share ideas about
ways I can help to brand your life’s next project!
- - +++>>> MY STORY <<<+++ - -
Since I can remember, I've had a strong need to be creative. As a child, I would spend hours cutting, gluing, drawing, and crafting all sorts of artwork. I later developed my talents through years of school as well as through the working world as a graphic artist in the surf apparel industry. When I became a full time “stay at home mom”, I knew I still had a strong need for a creative outlet but now had a new focus in mind- my beautiful daughters! I put my creative energy in to making their birthday celebrations extra special- using them as my inspiration! As the years went on, I provided my branding skills to support fundraising efforts for their schools and extracurricular organizations.
I've taken on countless branding projects for fundraisers, weddings, birthdays, baby showers, anniversaries... and have found something I truly love to do! I love working with people to help them express their personal style in their life events through design. Life Branding is my passion- I still get that feeling of excitement with each and every project I take on and I can't wait work with you so we can share that excitement!